Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Water Zoo

Kyle's nap went long yesterday and by the time we made it where we intending on spending our afternoon/evening, the Children's Museum was close to closing.  Luckily the Denver Aquarium was next door and open until well past his bedtime.  Score!

Kyle LOVED standing at the tanks and pointing at the fish.  He would try talking to them; it was quite cute.

We actually really enjoyed this aquarium.  Having been to places like Monterey Bay, we had pretty low expectations for a middle-of-the-country aquarium, but it surpassed them by far.  We will definitely go back! 

We had a $25 gift card to Landry's restaurants and it turns out that they own a restaurant in the aquarium.  They put us tank-side giving Kyle a nice distraction from throwing food.  As a side note, this was the only meal in the past few months for which we didn't have attention span issues, so it was well worth the extra few bucks. 

[They even had a mermaid show half way through dinner!]
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