Friday, June 1, 2012

Santa Monica

One of the places Dave and I always liked to visit when he lived in Pasadena was Santa Monica.  We always liked the boardwalk, beach, and street performers at the Promenade.  We wanted Kyle to experience it too!  We had fun strolling the boardwalk and even stopped to have Kyle's face replicated in clay.  Despite it being "sunny with no clouds," we had forgetten about the effect of the LA smog.  Ugh, definitely don't miss that part of California.


We were also reminded of another aspect of SoCal we definitely do not miss: traffic.  Trying to go from Santa Monica to Disneyland took us nearly 2.5 hours.  With a toddler who was sick of sitting and ready for a meal.  Sigh. We were so thankful to reach Anaheim and be done with the car for 3 days. 
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