Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just Keep Swimming...

We had originally planned to go hiking in Boulder while Uncle Brian was in town, but with the way their workouts and Kyle's naps fell, the time of day was just too hot (100 degrees), so we had to make different plans.  Enter the indoor waterpark (aka, Kyle's mini-slice of Heaven).

Kyle has long since left his original swimming fears behind and is truly a huge fan of the water.  So long as it's not 50 degrees. 

The indoor waterpark we belong to has floor geysers, a toddler water playground,  a big (and quite fun, by the way) waterslide, and a lazy river.  Kyle really enjoyed being splashed by the geysers and chilling in his baby float in the lazy river.

Oh and did I mention he loves to be tossed in the air?  Bring this to the water and you have a kid full of glee! Weeeeee!

Uncle Brian throw me higher!  Higher and higher!

I'm not sure what he loves more:  the toss or the splashdown.

What a wonderful afternoon spent at the pool!
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