Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Kyle loves to suck on his blanket when his thumb gets boring. He also likes to flap it around like it's a parachute and he crawls around the house with it.

We just might have found his new lovey. Or just yet another simple toy that brings great joy. Either way, it puts a smile on his face and for that goes a big Thanks to Julie for making it for him!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My two boys

... oh how I LOVE them so. So so so much! I especially love the emotion I feel from the 2nd picture:

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Kyle and his new favorite toy. He's a big fan of walking it around the house.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Its all over now Sequoia

Poor Sequoia-- her toys that once were safe in her toychest are no longer.

Watch Kyle's left leg for a good chuckle.

YouTube Video

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

I see me!

One of Kyles favorite places to explore is our entertainment center. He loves looking at himself. Course he also likes to open the doors and get to the cords. Sigh. :)

YouTube Video

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Future rocket scientist!

What happened when I sat Kyle in the rocket? He dismounted it and began inspecting and removing pieces. Guess that's no to being an astronaut and yes to rocket science. :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

This is comfy

Poor girls-- their dog beds are no longer even a safe zone. Kyle has figured out that they are super comfy like his car seat cover!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

10 Months Old

Double digits already, seriously?! I'm really not liking how fast he is growing up! He had some seriously big milestones in his ninth month on this great big planet. He started crawling, begun standing and cruising on anything remotely off the ground, and even got his first tooth! People say it all the time, but no joke, he's changing every single day. Noticeably. It's so fun to watch all that goes on that big head of his!

Kyle is still solely on mommy's milk and his twice a day solids. I'm really proud of us having made it this far with breastfeeding-- it has definitely been a lot of work (especially now that I'm back at work) but I truly can't imagine how sad it'll be when that part of our special bond goes away. Kyle also really enjoys oatmeal and we've been mixing it with every fruit, vegi or pureed meat we give him since it has added iron. It seemed like a better substitute to the nasty drops that stain & give him tummy problems. He's a pro with finger foods. He can pick up little cooked pieces of rice with no problem (have you tried that? it isn't easy!). He doesn't always eat everything we give him (although it all makes it TO his mouth at least), but we've been trying to put a cut-up sample of our dinner on his plate each evening.

Kyle is still a super sleeper. He goes to bed around 7-730 and is never thrilled when we wake him around 7-730 for daycare. He REALLY loves sleeping in on Fridays after a long week of hard play at daycare. He's still not napping that well at daycare (usually squeezes in 2x 45 min naps), but he's an excellent twice-a-day-napper for us (often of 1-2 hrs each). I think there's just too much going on and too many screaming babies back in the crib area for him to get many zzzzs at daycare.

Kyle was far less fussy this past month (I know, it's all relative, and he's really barely ever a fuss) now that he can move around to get to other moving things (read: the doggies). He likes to go after the dogs tails and loves to find all the dangerous parts of the house. His favorites? Outlet covers and stairs. He can get up to the 2nd stair already! He uses crawling as a means of finding an object that he can use to stand on. He frequents our hardwoods the most and enjoys being in the kitchen with me while I cook. He even has a favorite bowl he "cooks" with!

He's a huge fan of bath time as we've moved him to the big boy bath. He has a riot squirting his toys, splashing water EVERYWHERE, and playing with mommy's feet (can you blame me for using bath time to relax a bit myself?!).

Here's a summary of his current likes and dislikes:

door stopper springs, helping mom in the kitchen, "swimming" on the hardwoods, pulling off people's socks, his thumb, throwing balls off the loft, playing catch, eating cooked rice, fish, and and oatmeal, using just about anything to get to a stand, dog toys, bath time in the big boy tub, shaking towels, outlet covers, celery, and bouncing balls. His dislikes include objects that are out of place, the changing table, meats, and getting into his carseat.

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First tooth!

Only 7 months behind mommy's teething schedule (I got my first before 3 months)-- Kyle has his first tooth! It cut through yesterday (2.15.2012) and while it wasn't easy to get a picture of it by myself, I had to try. You hopefully can see it in the first picture-- it's his bottom right. Say goodbye to that gummy toothless grin!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Valentine's Day

I think Kyle is spoiled, what do you think?

But he's also extra sweet (read what he had to write to us on the card with his feet print).

We're so totally blessed! Thanks grandmas and grandpas for all the nice gifts!
Card says "There's a special place within my heart that only you can fill for you had my love right from the start and I know you always will."

Stair climber

We officially have a stair climber. Time for a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs too. He's figuring out so much so fast!

Valentine's Day!

I went all homemaker crafty for V day this year. Ok, so honestly, we've never celebrated V day before since we show eachother our love year-round but I got inspired this year.

I made a three layer heart shaped ice cream cake for Dave (thanks Marisa for the idea!). It was two layers of German chocolate cake with a middle layer of peanut butter ice cream packed with butterfingers and covered in homemade vanilla frosting. With only one heart pan and every thing from scratch, it was quite the undertaking. But it was soooo yummy and for a price tag of $5, it can't be beat!

For a heartfelt gift, I converted a $3 Ikea frame and a piece of scrapbook paper into a dry erase marker memo board. It says "I love you because..." and allows us to complete the sentence with dry erase makers. Dave and I have always left shower notes for eachother and I thought this was a cute way of doing the same without the finger prints on our shower doors.

I just love simple little DIY projects like this!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Laundry helper

Today I had a sick little boy helping me out with the laundry. By the 4th load, he was a pro! Okay so maybe he just really enjoys an empty basket, but give it time an he'll love the warm towels as much as I do!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Snow what fun!

My dad and I played hookie from our jobs today for some fun in the sun, err and snow. We had a good time skiing at A-basin-- it was a beautiful day for it! My first time back on skis since before I was pregnant. Phew- and I still remembered how. ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Helping in the kitchen

Now that Kyle is off to the races moving everywhere, he really just wants to follow me. So today he "helped" me prep dinner. I remember doing this in Grandma's kitchen! What fun! (I'm just loving this age!)