Sunday, June 3, 2012

Disneyland (2 of 3)!

There were really only 2 rides Kyle didn't enjoy (of the dozens and dozens he went on with us).  The first was Pirates of the Caribbean.  While he loved the sudden falls the boat went down, he got a bit scared with some of the smoke.  He jumped out of Dave's lap and into my arms where he cuddled and fell asleep on my chest.  It was hands-down my favorite moment of our trip.  He rarely cuddles us anymore and it was just precious holding him. I didn't want the ride to end!


We spent a half day in the California Adventure Park where we enjoyed Bugs Land (Kyle had a great time on the flyers and caterpillar coaster).  It was here that Kyle experienced his least favorite attraction: the 3D It's Tough To Be A Bug show.  He did NOT appreciate the smoke, water spraying, and spiders tankling in his face.  It was really the only ride to which he had such an adverse reaction (and can you blame him?  I didn't like bugs crawling on my back and hanging in my face either!). 

Mommy got soaked on Grizzly River Run (and I mean DRENCHED) and looks rather silly in our family picture with Pluto.  While Kyle napped, we took turns using the FastPass and RiderSwap combo to go on the Tower Of Terror, Soarin' over CA and California Screamin'.  

After lunch, some time at the arcade (where daddy won Kyle a giant "Bullseye"), meeting Buzz and Jesse, and a quick ride on Goofy's Sky School, it was back to the Disneyland park. 

We enjoyed the Parade and Toontown where Kyle got to meet Mickey.  Toontown was a toddler's paradise.  Quite fun.
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