Friday, June 8, 2012

Lil Monkey

Today was a busy day.  After an afternoon at gymnastics, Kyle took a nap, ate dinner, and we headed off to  Family Night at Lil' Monkey Bizness.  This has got to be Kyle's favorite place to play.  He was more adventurous this visit and tried EVERY piece of equipment.  His favorites?  See below:

Playing tic-tac-toe

Rocking in the boat

Giggling at a girl who would toss the hanging cylinders at him. 

Getting stuck climbing inside on the "seatbelt ramps" (the material of these weaves is just like that of a seatbelt)

Slides.  Every single slide in the play area. 

Even the blow-up house slide.  This was especially fun and fast.

Enjoying a "birds-eye" view using the "parallel bars" to walk 
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