Thursday, May 31, 2012

Santa Barbara

We started our vacation in Santa Barbara as that's where I had work stuff to do (they paid for my trip after all!).  After landing and waiting longer to get a rental car than it did to fly there in the first place, we headed to the beach.  We strolled up and down the boardwalk while Kyle napped.  The peace and quiet was welcomed after our horrendous flight and we enjoyed the shops and sights.


When Kyle awoke, we introduced him to the ocean for the first time.  He was a HUGE fan of the sand.  You couldn't take the smile off his face.  The water was a bit cold but he seemed to enjoy touching it nonetheless.  

As he would walk in the sand, he would kick his legs to the sand trying to shake the sand off of his sandals.  It was really cute watching him learn about these new things. He was truly fascinated with the beach-- he must get that from his grandma!  

He found a small rock and daddy had to take it from him... in the moment before replacing it with a larger rock, this was his face:

Soon it was all better:

Kyle likes to offer his toys to people now... we made jokes about Kyle bringing a rock to today (work references).  

We finished the evening out by walking up and down State Street in downtown Santa Barbara.  We chose the most crowded restaurant for dinner figuring it'd have the best food.  We weren't disappointed-- Pascucci was delish!
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