Tuesday, May 15, 2012

13 Months Old

Better late than never, here's Kyle's 13 Month update:

5.8.2012 13 Months Old!  Kyle's love this past month include: pointing at objects to "identify" them, calling anything that sticks out on the ceiling "fans" and anything on the wall "doors," flipping through books and reading out loud, shaking his head 'no,' curling up on my lap when he's tired, pairing together his Noah's Ark animals, the water table, his car racetrack, pulling pots and pans out of cabinets, emptying laundry hampers, eating food face-first, the doggie beds and crates, pointing at people in picture frames, brushing his teeth, hiking up mountains, his robot lovie, playing under furniture, playing peak-a-boo with his daycare buds using chairs and cabinets, ceiling fans, signing 'more' whenever he wants any time of edible object, blueberries and grapes, spicy beef, gymnastics, participating in diaper dashes, going up and down the stairs, turning around at the top of the stairs, couch or bed to get down feet first on his belly (so smart!).  Dislikes include getting rashes and 104 deg fevers from the MMR shot, the sippy cup, napping at daycare, cutting more teeth.

I'm still nursing Kyle 4 or 5 times a day and he eats each of the 3 big meals with us each day.  He also usually has an afternoon snack.  He's been a bit pickier this past month on finger foods often preferring the carb products like bread, cheerios and goldfish.  He loves fruit but really only eats vegis if we feed them to him pureed on a spoon.  Sigh.  He's getting *better* at the sippy cup at daycare, but still only taking half of his milk that way. 

Kyle has gotten through his rough patch of sleeping and is back to reliably sleeping 12 hours each night.  He takes two naps (at least on the 4 days I'm with him... he struggles a bit on the nap front at daycare).  He's become a bit more vocal, independent, and stubborn, but is still a happy playful little ham.
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