Monday, May 7, 2012

It's Racing Men

A week ago, daddy, grandpa, and Kyle all raced in the Cherry Creek Sneak.  Daddy did the 5K and got the qualifying time he needed for the AB wave at the world's largest race (the Bolder Boulder, set for Memorial Day) while grandpa completed his first ever race, the 5 miler.  He also got a personal best time! 

Kyle, grandma, and I went along to cheer them on and enjoy the festivities.  We scored a lot of swag and Kyle got to meet his first mascot (he was thrilled-- a sign that Disneyland could/should be a lot of fun later this month!).

Kyle also participated in the Diaper Sneak.  Kyle did great!  He came crawling towards me at the finish line, with only one 'pause' to look up and see what everyone was cheering about.  It was his first race, his first ribbon, and a proud moment for mommy and daddy. 

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