Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Rough Flight

I met my two boys at DIA for the start of our Disneyland vacation.  My work flights from Wash DC to Santa Barbara made a pit stop in Denver so we were able to all be on the same flight together.  It worked out nice as we were able to have lunch in the airport together and let Kyle get tuckered out playing in prep for the flight. He even wore himself out enough to fall asleep on the airport floor just before boarding began.  Good sign right?  That's what we thought.  But even with nursing and trying 10 million positions, he just couldn't get comfortable.  He was THAT kid.  He screamed instead.  The entire flight.  Less the 20 minutes where he pseduo-shut his eyelids.  Sigh.  I felt bad for all of the passengers but there just wasn't much we could do being confined to our seats with an overtired toddler.

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