Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

First of all, thanks to all the men and women who have graciously served our country and given us the freedom that we enjoy everyday. It's thanks to you and your families that we can celebrate life in this wonderful country!

Our Memorial weekend was rather low-key. Dave got 4 days off of work and it was really nice having him home. I was able to get some errands done Kyle-free (of course, they always seem to be to pick up things for the little man, but I'll take it!). We attempted to go out to dinner on Saturday night but it was another fail. Evenings just aren't his good time and there's not much we can do about it. I got to spend some time with my friend, Charity doing crafty things and enjoying lunch together. Kyle was coming down with a cold (as was Mom) so he was pretty well-behaved for Dad while I was out.

Sunday and Monday were spent sleeping. I've never seen Kyle sleep so much (not even on his first day of life!). Poor little man got the cold I've been battling. He's still eating and doesn't have a fever, so I think it's a pretty mild case. The extra sleep has been nice, but I really hope he feels better soon!

Kyle has been smiling and giggling lots more. It's not 100% reliable yet but we enjoy them when they do come!One of the only things I can do to help Kyle get better (besides nurse!) is letting him snuggle on me. I know it's what I love when I'm sick, so I hope it helps him feel better!

Dave's coworkers pitched together to buy Kyle several gifts. One of them was a Bumbo. Kyle's a bit too young for it yet, but we tried him out in it anyway. He's got pretty strong neck muscles for his age and actually enjoyed a good amount of time in the chair!Sequoia was curious about the new chair as well. Up until now, she has only sniffed the little man. She took it a step further this weekend when she licked him! She caught us totally off guard! I guess we will have to monitor her more closely-- I know dogs have clean mouths (relative to humans) but I don't want her getting in the habit of spreading germs to his face. It made for a hilarious picture if nothing else!

Dave's coworkers also purchased a high chair for Kyle (but as you recall, we had scored a pretty sweet deal on it a few days ago). We ended up exchanging it for his Jumperoo. You'll see this in action in a few months when he's big enough for it.The high chair fiasco continued this weekend, but after 1 more hour in the store on Sunday, it is finally resolved. Kyle isn't so sure about the high chair, but he's got time before he's really ready for it.

I had to sneak a photo of Sequoia and I into the mix. I know the dogs don't get as much blog-press recently, but rest assured they still get lots of love and attention. And lots of licks of Sonic ice cream. :)

I'll leave you with a few photos of playtime last night. It included tummy time, Bumbo exercise, and Eskimo kisses! Kyle is such fun!

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