Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stressed for success

Well we are down to the final stretch for our major review at work and it shows! Folks are dressed in their best outfits for dress rehearsals, many are utilizing the cot in our area, and even more can no longer keep track of the number of meals they have missed. I came on pretty late in this whole process (I guess you could say I am lucky to only have to give up a resemblance of a life for a few weeks?) and as such, have little time to get a large amount of things working. I guess I also have had less practice and conditioning of my body to handle the 17 hour work nights with little or no sleep. My coworker posed a really interesting question today-- if you are so stressed with work that you can't sleep because you are constantly solving problems and running through issues in your head, shouldn't you get paid for that? A few questions I've been asking myself lately: Is it sad when you feel guilty for leaving work after a 13 hour day? Is it funny that people call leaving at dinner time a "half-day?" In any event, I look forward to next week as we are sure to leave our customer in awestruck-induced silence. Go us!

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