Sunday, September 19, 2010

Crescent Moon Tri

It was early to bed, early to rise for this race. Dave was up and heading out at 5 am and I trailed behind about an hour. We had beautiful sunny weather (surprise, surprise!) but I am sure the water was still chilly! Dave was the first wave out (with the elites). I couldn't believe how push and shove it looked. Each of the 7 waves were ~100 people, so you can imagine the kicking that had to go on until they got a bit more spaced apart.

Dave's entire wave wore green caps, so it wasn't easy to spot him, but luckily, I had anticipated his 750m swim time (15 min) just right!

I sprinted up the huge hill to the transition area and even caught Dave mounting his bike. 12 miles and about 30 mins later, I snapped a few photos as he completed the bike leg.

His T2 (Transition #2) time was spectacular. As of an hour after his finish, his T2 time was 2nd place out of everyone at 27 seconds! Keep in mind, he must put his bike back on the assigned rack, change shoes, and take his helmet off and proceed to the running exit. All that in less than half a minute-- quite impressive!

He ran the final leg at ~6:45 pace. He felt he could've done better on the run but his legs had cramped up after the swim and bike.

Afterward, they served Jim and Nick's BBQ. We enjoyed it down at the picnic tables by the lake. It was really yummy!

I am quite proud of my husband! He has trained so hard this past year to compete in these triathlons. It's amazing how great in shape he is as a result.
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