Wednesday, January 11, 2012

9 Months!

Seriously, where has the time gone? Our little man is 3/4 of a year old already! It makes me sad to think about how fast time is flying by and how his first birthday is just around the corner. I surely will miss this stage but I am sure that each new one will bring much joy also.

Kyle had his 9 month well visit on Monday and weighed in at 18-7 and measured just 27 inches in length. The Ped measured him again just to confirm the nurses measurement as he was a bit surprised that Kyle didn't grow in length at the same rate he would've expected. Kyle barely makes the charts for height (5-10th %) but is middle of the road in weight. Ped says he's eating and thriving very well but just might be genetically destined to be short. Hopefully he's just waiting for his time to start growing upwards. :) He's still exclusively breastfed and is now eating 2 meals of solids each day. He has lunch at daycare and eats a bit of what we are enjoying for dinner (chicken, pasta, or a vegi) along with his mashed up fruits & vegis. He still nurses about 6 times each day on top of the solids.

Kyle has perfected the sit, is an expert backwards crawler, rotates extremely well on his tummy, rolls over like it's childs play, and gets up on all fours, but other than an occasional crawl forward isn't all that enthusastic about crawling. He loves to stand using props and can "walk" with an aid on hardwoods, but struggles on the carpet. His fine motor skills are amazing-- he's a pro at the pincer grasp and can manipulate multiple toys in his hands switching them back and forth (but often just bangs them together to make loud noises... silly boy!). He's rather talkative-- his favorite sounds are ra, la, ba, ma, and sometimes he says "gigy" when we refer to the girls as doggies. He says mama occasionally (but doesn't associate that to me) but often just strings together random gibberish. He loves playdates, does well with other kiddos, and is super friendly even to random strangers. An all-around great baby we have! :)

Kyle's loves this month include: the hand biting game, mommy staring as Austin Powers in the escalator game, peek-a-boo, prunes, yogurt, pears & bananas, shoelaces, standing on furniture, drawstrings, banging any two objects he can find together, being tickled behind the ears, rice puffs, wrapping paper, bows, and boxes, knocking down stacked toys, screeching, his xylophone, raising his arms for mommy to pick him up, doing the splits, green things, and making music from anything he can reach. His dislikes include the changing table, that whole crawling thing, and being separated from mommy.

Kyle is truly the biggest blessing for David and I. He's honestly a perfect baby. Rarely fusses (and when he does, it's because he really needs something), sleeps incredibly well, is always smiling and laughing, and is a total charmer (I mean, really, can you beat those cute chubby cheeks and toothless grin?!).

Here are some pictures from his 9 month birthday... enjoy!

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