Thursday, September 3, 2009

A rough week

It has sure been a rough week for us. For almost a week after Dave's parents left, Sequoia had had pretty bad diarrhea. This past Sunday, it turned to vomiting as well. What was most scary was that the vomit actually looked like diarrhea. We immediately took her to the vet but they couldn't seem to pinpoint what was wrong (do they ever?!). They ruled out a few things and she tested negative to any virus, so they figured it was probably a GI-issue. Huskies are notorious for having sensitive stomachs, so there is merit to this hypothesis. They gave her some medications that for the first day, she couldn't even keep down. Between this and the skipping of meals, I was pretty stressed out. Speaking of meds, we are also currently dogsitting our neighbors 3 dogs, 2 of which also need meds and follow a pretty strict schedule. Work for me is at a very busy point, so needless to say the week has been stressful. I feel inadequate caring for my sick puppy because of the time I've got to devote to work and dogsitting. A couple of days ago while Belle was playing with the dogs we are sitting, one of them bit her in the muzzle. It instantly turned black and swelled up like a giant baseball. Now I have two injured or sick dogs. Poor girls!
I'm wishing I had more energy to tackle all this and to enjoy the upcoming 4 day weekend, but between the ragweed season beginning and being around dogs that make me sneeze, I managed to come down with what I assume is a nasty sinus infection. It's been getting worse and worse all week and today it rendered me useless for most of the day. I had to leave work at 11 am because I was in tears (not crying) from the pain in my sinuses. At least I got to spend some quality time with my girls.
Wow, I feel like this entire blog was one giant complaint, but it's just been an exhausting and trying week. I'm hoping the weekend is different!

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