Tuesday, January 8, 2013

21 Months Old!

Been bad at blogging recently.  I blame my new iMac.  I haven't configured everything yet, gotten the eright software and transferred (any) photos to it yet.  But I didn't want to let the monthly update go too long or I'd forget to journal!  Don't worry, I still remembered to take the picture ON the 8th as I have maintained every month since his birth!

Kyle is still a parent's dream kid.  He's sleeping 12-13 hours at night (more if we let him) and taking a 3 hour nap each afternoon. He's talking up a storm-- he says over 50 words now and understands hundreds more.  He loves to help mommy & daddy with EVERYTHING.  He's nursing at wake-up in the morning and occasionally after naps (when mommy isn't at work).  He continues to eat exactly what we do although he has shown a strong preferance to fruits lately (over the meats of the last couple months).  He has become obsessed with puzzles, books, and Buzz Lightyear.  If you let him, he would read books all day long.  In fact, the act of being done reading is one of the only things that upsets our little man.

A quick list of Kyle's loves this month:

Talking and talking and talking (over 50 words spoken!)
Reading books (non-stop if you'd let him)
Baby Jesus (see picture)
Buzz and We-we (woody)
Turning on the TV and finding the remote to hit play to watch the VeggieTales
Using the potty
Flushing TP and kleenexes in the toilet
Puzzles (he's mastered the knob and peg ones, but still struggles with the letters)
Playing the dums (also known as the drums)
The ball pit in our basement
Watching videos of himself over and over again on the iPhone
Giving kisses like they do in France (one on each cheek)
Calling out Melmo on his diapers (also known as Elmo)
Singing the ABCs 
Sleeping on a pillow 

When people stop reading him books
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Our 2012 Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas!

            We hope this letter finds you happy and healthy.  This year has been a true blessing for us and we have so much to be thankful for!
Like our now one-year-old son, we’ve been quite active this year.  We took a few major trips and several small getaways this year.  In the beginning of the year, we took a family ski trip to our favorite mountain destination – Snowmass.  We stayed at a huge ski in, ski-out townhome with Beth’s parents and enjoyed nearly a week of blue sky, perfect skiing weather (while Grandma graciously babysat Kyle!).  We definitely plan to come back… perhaps when Kyle is old enough to enjoy the skiing, too!  (Our condo was far from baby-friendly with a busy crawler so Grandma had her hands full!). 
The Lord took Beth’s grandpa this past spring which landed (pun intended) us back in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  Kyle’s first airplane ride was a success and we all had such a wonderful time seeing all of our relatives.  Cousins Jack and Caroline met Kyle for the first time as did Great-Grandma and all of Beth’s extended Wisconsin family. 
In April, we celebrated Kyle’s 1st Birthday (which actually fell on Easter this year—how special!).  We had nearly 50 people at our house including both sets of grandparents and tons of friends!  Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us.  It’s sure hard to believe how fast that first year went by! 
In May, Beth found herself doing several business trips to both coasts, but somehow has failed 3 times now in seeing the Space Shuttle in the Air & Space Museum in D.C.  The entire family did, however, benefit from her work trips by getting to spend a week on the California coast enjoying Santa Barbara, Santa Monica and 4 days at Disneyland.  Kim & my brother even drove up from San Diego to see us! Truly a magical trip—we never knew that ‘It’s A Small World’ could be such fun as it was through the eyes of our child.  Disney was definitely the highlight of our year—we will definitely be back! 
In July, we took a week-long vacation to Gull Lake in northern Minnesota with Dave’s entire family.  Kyle enjoyed Grandpa Bob’s big boat and tubing for the first time.  And Dave managed to get pulled over on Jet Ski by the water police.  [And to think that Beth was the one driving quite recklessly!] 
We filled the rest of the summer with tons and tons of hiking, swimming, and other outdoorsy activities.  Kyle is a huge fan of his hiking carrier and we don’t tend to get any complaining from our dogs.  Nearly 8 years here in this great state and we are still amazed by all of God’s beauty that surrounds us.  We can’t imagine living anywhere else!
We spent several weeks this fall up in the mountains.  Once in Breckenridge with a gathering of Dave’s Florida (and now Washington!) friends and another driving all over the state in hunt of the beautiful aspens.  We hiked in Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Snowmass, Crested Butte and drove through the Ohio, McClure, Kenosha, Kebler, and Boreas Passes.  Kyle rode a chairlift for the first time—he was far less nervous than Mommy!
In October, we drove the 7 hours to Moab, Utah with Dave’s brother and family to enjoy 4 days biking and hiking.  Dave competed in the Moab Half Marathon while Mommy and Kyle were his biggest cheerleaders. What beautiful vistas they have in Canyonlands and Arches National Park!  We had such an amazing time with Brian’s family—it makes us wish they lived out in Colorado.
Kyle started walking this summer and is now running and climbing everywhere and everything.  He’s saying quite a few things and signing the rest.  His favorite words at the moment are “nana” (banana) and “more.” He’s truly the easiest going kid on the planet (quite a blessing if you know his two parents well enough!)  He absolutely loves books, gymnastics, throwing balls, and going for hikes. 
David is still working on the space shuttle replacement, Orion, at Lockheed Martin.  He loves his job (most of the time), but constantly aches to be at home more.  He did several races this year including 2 half marathons and several triathlons.  He is actively training for next year’s big goal:  the Ironman 70.3 in Kona (Big Island, Hawaii).  There, it’s on paper, so everyone help him keep to it!
Beth remains part-time at Lockheed.  She works 3 days a week and finds it to be a perfect balance.  I don’t think you will ever convince her to go back to full-time.  She stays home with Kyle Mondays and Fridays and has found a love for meal planning, enjoying play-dates with the K-man, and keeping the house “in check.”                                                                                                                                                             
Last (but certainly not least), our dogs have had a year of adjustment.  With Kyle mobile, there are very few “safe” spots in the house anymore.  Kidding aside, they have adapted really well to him.  Belle is extremely patient and tolerant while Sequoia will often enjoy a game of chase now and then.  Belle has started to show her age more and Sequoia has become much more affectionate in her adolescence.  The dogs continue to enjoy a peaceful evening after Kyle has retired for the night (and of course, they still enjoy snuggles on our comfy bed!).
Phew, what a year it has been! 
We hope your year has also been rich in God’s blessings!  We would love for you to follow our daily lives via our In Our Shoes blog at www.moonshoe.blogspot.com. God’s best to you this Christmas in the New Year to come!
Love from the Shoemakers-- Dave, Beth, Kyle (1) Belle (10), and Sequoia (4)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So I'm a week delinquent in posting Kyle's 18 Month update, but no worries, I remembered to take his month shot on the right day! 

It is seriously incredible to me to believe that I have a ONE-AND-A-HALF YEAR old!  Kyle is no longer a baby but rather one active toddler.  He's truly the love of our lives! 

Kyle is still a rock-star in the sleep and nap departments taking one 3-3.5 hour nap in the afternoon and sleeping about 12 hours at night.  He nurses 3 times a day (morning, naptime, and bedtime) and still eats 3 big meals and 2 snacks each day.  He's finally found a love for strawberries and bananas!  Woot!  Still a big meat eater and having slightly less adversions to pasta. 

Kyle weighs in at 23 pounds and is just shy of 31."  He's at the 40th percentile for weight, 5th for height and still 90+% for head.  Short and smart-- that's our boy!

Kyle is talking and signing tons.  He can communicate his needs pretty effectively and LOVES to say NO to everything.  He even tells the girls NO when they are bothering him or trying to steal his food.  They are learning quick to wait until he's out of the high chair and then to go to town on the crumbs in his seat. He doesn't respond so well when he doesn't get his way or when we have to say no to him.  Can you say tantrum?

Kyle absolutely loves to mimic us-- from brushing his teeth to finding Q-tips in the house and putting them in his ears (oh man!) to blowing (hissing) on his hot food and brushing his ear, he can do it all.  He often insists on doing it himself (especially when it comes to taking his temperature). 

He understands 100s of words and can follow our commands very well.  He can dust, vacuum, fetch specific objects/toys/shoes (even when we ask for a specific color!), and can identify most of his body parts and facial features.  He can only say a fraction of the words he knows, but I imagine that will come soon enough.  It's fun to see the result when you ask him to repeat a word-- "fish" and "shoes" are my favorites. 

Kyle took to walking later than the average kiddo but has caught up extremely fast.  He can run now, moon walk backwards (yes, this is hilarious!) and is a great dancer.  He likes to jump (which looks like a squat followed by the tossing of his arms in the air), climb the furniture, and twirl in circles.

He's his monthly list of favorites and dislikes:
Playing with dirt and throwing rocks in the water.

Helping mom dust and vaccuum (with his popper).
Riding chairlifts and gondolas.
Finally loving strawberries and bananas.
Back on a squeeze food pouch kick after a many month hiatus.
Taking clothes out of the laundry hamper.
Hissing (blowing) at his food when it's "hot hot."
Wiping his nose, brushing his hair, cleaning his ears with q-tips, and taking his temp.
Climbing all over furniture and jumping off and landing on his bottom.
Going for hikes.
Going sledding down the stairs on his tushie.
Walking on pavers like they are balance beams.
Launching squeeze rockets and stomp airplanes.
Dancing and trying to jump.
Saying NO to just about everything.
Raiding the pantry for snacks.
Raiding the pantry for dog treats (and giving them by the dozen to the dogs).
Sitting down (in the middle of the floor) and signing "please" when he wants food.
Carrying his lovie everywhere and bringing him to us when its 'nigh-nigh' time.
Dislikes include getting dressed (would you hold still my man?!)
and spending 12+ hours in the car.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumn Trip 2012 - Day Four

After a horrific evening at the Lodge switching rooms at nearly 10 pm (yes, 2 hours past Kyle's bedtime) due to pot-smokers below us, we were given free breakfast buffet coupons at the lodge.  Kyle enjoyed dipping his sausage links in his yogurt (can you say yumm?) before we packed up and hit the road.

Our last day was spent driving and taking in the fall colors near Taylor Resovoir and Cottonwood Pass.  We went through Buena Vista and back via Fairplay on 285.  It was a very long day of driving due to construction traffic and we were very glad to be home.  We took many pitstops including a stop at Kenosha Pass for Kyle to walk around.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Autumn Trip 2012 - Day Three

We stayed for 2 nights of the trip in a lodge at the base of Mt. Crested Butte.  It had beautiful views and looks like it'd be a fun ski area! 



We spent the morning riding the the chairlift to the top of the mountain.  Kyle thought it was the greatest ride in the world!  (Mama might have been a bit nervous the more he leaned forward though!).

Kyle had a blast playing with rocks at the top.

And mama thought the views were incredible!

We spent the afternoon driving the Ohio Pass and at a HUGE playground in Gunnison.  It was just what Kyle needed after yesterday's crazy amount of driving!

We ended the evening viewing Lake Irwin and enjoying downtown Crested Butte.  There was some wierd festival going on that brought a bunch of hippies to town.  Unique, for sure.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Autumn Trip 2012 - Day Two

We woke up at 5 am on the 2nd day of our trip so we could drive to the Marroon Bells in time for sunrise.  It was breathtaking!  The colors were peak and the weather was perfect (albeit a bit chilly).  We ate breakfast in the car before hiking around the Bells until a few hours after sunset when the Bells become fully lit.  
 The lake had calmed by then and made for a perfect fall reflections picture!

On our way out of Aspen/Snowmass, we took a detour to view Capitol Peak.  We had heard the colors here would be amazing and were told that a non-4WD car should be able to make it, so we figured we'd have NO problems in our SUV.  Boy were we (they?) wrong.  There is absolutely no way a normal car would've made it.  We had wished we had a Jeep, but we managed to make it.  And boy was the view incredible (and totally worth it!).  

After all that bumpy driving, Kyle had to go #2.  Here's Kyle's classic poop face!  Hilarious!

I love this shot I captured of daddy and son walking the trail.
Perhaps the best picnic location we've ever had!

Kyle found himself on cloud 9 with some sticks and rocks.

It was a long day of driving from Aspen to Crested Butte with many stops along the way for Kyle to play with rocks.
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Autumn Trip 2012 - Day One

For our anniversary this year, we decided to take a 4 day trip throughout our state to chase fall colors. We started by driving out to Glenwood Springs (about 3 hours west of our home).  We did the famous Hanging Lakes hike to enjoy beautiful views of Glenwood Canyon and the majestic Hanging Lake.

As always, Kyle did wonderful in his carrier.

The canyon views were amazing.

And the treat at the top was unbelievable.  Dave rated it as his favorite hike that we've ever done!

Half way down, we let Kyle play in an old cabin. 

After finishing the hike near sunset, we headed to the Residence Inn for some free dinner and pool time before calling it an early night. 
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Autumn Breckenridge Trip

Dave's friends from KSC held a long-weekend reunion trip in Breckenridge this fall and we had a wonderful time hiking, seeing the leaves, and enjoying good company with them. 

The gang half-way up McCullough Gulch

Hiking up the French Gulch

Family Photo Op up the French Gulch

The view half-way up the McCulllough Gulch Trail

The hike took a bit longer than we anticipated and got into Kyle's afternoon nap.  Not a problem for him; he didn't mind catching a few ZZZs on daddy's back.

On our last evening in Breck, we found a creek to entertain the kiddos.  Kyle had a great time throwing pepples into th stream.

It was great to get a good chunk of the group together and to watch all the children play.  Hopefully we can make it an annual thing?
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