Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So I'm a week delinquent in posting Kyle's 18 Month update, but no worries, I remembered to take his month shot on the right day! 

It is seriously incredible to me to believe that I have a ONE-AND-A-HALF YEAR old!  Kyle is no longer a baby but rather one active toddler.  He's truly the love of our lives! 

Kyle is still a rock-star in the sleep and nap departments taking one 3-3.5 hour nap in the afternoon and sleeping about 12 hours at night.  He nurses 3 times a day (morning, naptime, and bedtime) and still eats 3 big meals and 2 snacks each day.  He's finally found a love for strawberries and bananas!  Woot!  Still a big meat eater and having slightly less adversions to pasta. 

Kyle weighs in at 23 pounds and is just shy of 31."  He's at the 40th percentile for weight, 5th for height and still 90+% for head.  Short and smart-- that's our boy!

Kyle is talking and signing tons.  He can communicate his needs pretty effectively and LOVES to say NO to everything.  He even tells the girls NO when they are bothering him or trying to steal his food.  They are learning quick to wait until he's out of the high chair and then to go to town on the crumbs in his seat. He doesn't respond so well when he doesn't get his way or when we have to say no to him.  Can you say tantrum?

Kyle absolutely loves to mimic us-- from brushing his teeth to finding Q-tips in the house and putting them in his ears (oh man!) to blowing (hissing) on his hot food and brushing his ear, he can do it all.  He often insists on doing it himself (especially when it comes to taking his temperature). 

He understands 100s of words and can follow our commands very well.  He can dust, vacuum, fetch specific objects/toys/shoes (even when we ask for a specific color!), and can identify most of his body parts and facial features.  He can only say a fraction of the words he knows, but I imagine that will come soon enough.  It's fun to see the result when you ask him to repeat a word-- "fish" and "shoes" are my favorites. 

Kyle took to walking later than the average kiddo but has caught up extremely fast.  He can run now, moon walk backwards (yes, this is hilarious!) and is a great dancer.  He likes to jump (which looks like a squat followed by the tossing of his arms in the air), climb the furniture, and twirl in circles.

He's his monthly list of favorites and dislikes:
Playing with dirt and throwing rocks in the water.

Helping mom dust and vaccuum (with his popper).
Riding chairlifts and gondolas.
Finally loving strawberries and bananas.
Back on a squeeze food pouch kick after a many month hiatus.
Taking clothes out of the laundry hamper.
Hissing (blowing) at his food when it's "hot hot."
Wiping his nose, brushing his hair, cleaning his ears with q-tips, and taking his temp.
Climbing all over furniture and jumping off and landing on his bottom.
Going for hikes.
Going sledding down the stairs on his tushie.
Walking on pavers like they are balance beams.
Launching squeeze rockets and stomp airplanes.
Dancing and trying to jump.
Saying NO to just about everything.
Raiding the pantry for snacks.
Raiding the pantry for dog treats (and giving them by the dozen to the dogs).
Sitting down (in the middle of the floor) and signing "please" when he wants food.
Carrying his lovie everywhere and bringing him to us when its 'nigh-nigh' time.
Dislikes include getting dressed (would you hold still my man?!)
and spending 12+ hours in the car.

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