Tuesday, January 8, 2013

21 Months Old!

Been bad at blogging recently.  I blame my new iMac.  I haven't configured everything yet, gotten the eright software and transferred (any) photos to it yet.  But I didn't want to let the monthly update go too long or I'd forget to journal!  Don't worry, I still remembered to take the picture ON the 8th as I have maintained every month since his birth!

Kyle is still a parent's dream kid.  He's sleeping 12-13 hours at night (more if we let him) and taking a 3 hour nap each afternoon. He's talking up a storm-- he says over 50 words now and understands hundreds more.  He loves to help mommy & daddy with EVERYTHING.  He's nursing at wake-up in the morning and occasionally after naps (when mommy isn't at work).  He continues to eat exactly what we do although he has shown a strong preferance to fruits lately (over the meats of the last couple months).  He has become obsessed with puzzles, books, and Buzz Lightyear.  If you let him, he would read books all day long.  In fact, the act of being done reading is one of the only things that upsets our little man.

A quick list of Kyle's loves this month:

Talking and talking and talking (over 50 words spoken!)
Reading books (non-stop if you'd let him)
Baby Jesus (see picture)
Buzz and We-we (woody)
Turning on the TV and finding the remote to hit play to watch the VeggieTales
Using the potty
Flushing TP and kleenexes in the toilet
Puzzles (he's mastered the knob and peg ones, but still struggles with the letters)
Playing the dums (also known as the drums)
The ball pit in our basement
Watching videos of himself over and over again on the iPhone
Giving kisses like they do in France (one on each cheek)
Calling out Melmo on his diapers (also known as Elmo)
Singing the ABCs 
Sleeping on a pillow 

When people stop reading him books
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