Saturday, September 8, 2012

17 Months Old!

Hard to believe that in a month our little boy will be one-and-a-half years old.  Yikes-a-bee!  He's truly a wonderful boy.  We can't believe how blessed we are!

Kyle currently sleeps 11-12 hours at night and is down to one nap.  It usually starts at noon and lasts 3-4 hours.  It wasn't necessarily the easiest transition, but now that we are on one nap, I LOVE it.  We have so much more time in the morning to do activities and get things done without having to worry about being home .  And the afternoon nap allows me to get lots of work done around the house so that when he wakes, I don't have to focus on the kitchen and can play with him instead!

He eats 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 snacks each day.  He eats whatever we are having and usually gets fruit, cheese or crackers for his snacks. He still nurses at wake-up, before/after his nap, and at bed-time.  We haven't started him on whole milk yet because he's still getting the right amounts from me.  He consumes a ton of water with his meals though-- he really loves his "wa-wa".  He prefers to drink out of mommy's cup or camelbak, but willingly takes his straw cup or sippy.

Kyle's favorite day-time activities usually involve the outdoors.  He will bring his shoes to us (and sometimes even our shoes too!) to indicate that it's time to go play in the yard or at the park.  He is an awesome listener.  He will do exactly what he's told (wow, I bet I won't be able to say that for long!) including getting us books to read, going to his changing table, going to the car and his carseat, and bringing us certain toys.  I'm quite amazed by his vocab already; he can even correctly pick up the correct color of a certain toy if we ask.  He says quite a bit, too, but not nearly the amount he understands.  Perhaps my favorite phrase of his is 'nigh-nigh.'  Whenever he's feeling tired, he says 'go nigh-nigh' and marches upstairs.  He loves to shake his head to indicate he doesn't want a food item, but very rarely does he actually say "no no."   We've tried very hard to avoid that phrase (and reserve it for safety issues) and usually shake our heads and say "that's not for Kyle."  I don't want a kid who always says NOOOO (although I'm sure this will be an inevitable, unavoidable phase at some point).

Here's a summary of this months likes and dislikes:

Taking rides in the "go car" (golf cart), finding rocks, bringing us books,
getting his shoes when he wants to play outside, petting dogs GENTLY!,
talking (his favorite words include nigh-nigh, go car, that, ba ba (bath) and all done)
signing (his favorite signs include please, all done, more, shaking his head for no and thank you)
eating anything involving corn or meat, going for rides on his trike,
emptying the washer and dryer, the pelicans and monkeys at the zoo,
chalk doodling, the boat ride at Elitches,
his stuffed dog 'Meeko', seeing great grandma,
playing in the dog house, digging dirt with a shovel,
mowing the lawn and playing golf, playhouses,
dancing at concerts and the Apple store, giving everyone high fives
Dislikes include getting croup (a 3rd time!) and strawberries (still)
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