We spent Friday attending the rehearsal dinner and capped the evening off by playing with Jack and his train set. Saturday was a blast (literally!): we celebrated Jack's birthday with cake and presents and walked to the nearby park to launch his model rocket. We got him a model rocket and 3 class C engines. He had a great time doing the countdown and pushing the "go" button; although I'm not sure once the rocket was off the pad that he had any idea what was going on. I think Brian and Dave might've had more fun than him! Jack's absolutely adorable with countdowns... it goes something like this when he does the count: "10-9-8-7-6-Main Engine Ignition-5-4-3-2-1-Blastoff!" Jack has become a really fun kid; he's always happy and is extremely intelligent.
After time at the park, we headed to the wedding. It rained just after we left the house but had stopped by the time we needed to walk to the church. As soon as the ceremony started, it began to POUR. So hard in fact that it was difficult to hear the minister! By the time the ceremony had concluded, the rain had let up. The wedding was beautiful. In particular, we really liked the sand ceremony which used the analogy of two types of sand being combined into one but that each type is still distinct amongst the combination. It was similar to the heads and tail of a coin analogy used at our wedding. Both Jessie's dad and Scott gave emotional speeches that left very few dry eyes.
Dave and I had a really good time on the dance floor with Jack. He must've spent an hour dancing around with his glowsticks. We even taught him to "raise the roof." Towards the end of the reception, the fire alarm went off. As the fire trucks arrived, the captain found Jack wandering around the bushes with glowsticks hunting for frogs. He joined Jack with his giant flashlight and eventually invited Jack to join him on board the truck! He got to dress up in a firemans hat, sit in the drivers seat, and even sounded the horn! I think the day truly had to be one of Jack's favorite days!
We celebrated Jack's birthday (one more time) at Hickory Park in Ames. He was very tired from the previous day, but his eyes bugged out when they came out and sang to him with ice cream!
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