We had intentions of going camping this weekend but my having to work and Dave needing to get some serious tri-training in prevented us from accomplishing that. Instead, we took a day-trip to Castlewood Canyons with the girls.
Castlewood Canyon
While the views were gorgeous from the first hike, we really enjoyed climbing over boulders and creeks along the inner trail. The girls thoroughly enjoyed tramping around in the creek. The weather was a comfortable 75, but the girls' winter coats haven't quite fully shed yet and they got a bit hot. We've always had difficulty getting Belle to drink out of our doggy hiking bowls (bottled water), but she had no issues sipping water from the creek! Silly dog.
The girls encountered tons of kids, hikers, and other doggies. They did excellent with all the touchers! After hiking, we made a breakthrough with Belle. We were able to get her to drink water IN the car from our travel bowls [still can't get her to drink it outside the car, but we'll keep working on her]. We've been nervous about doing long hiking (or camping) trips with the girls because Belle usually will wait until home to have any water.
After our hikes, we enjoyed a Jimmy John's picnic outside with the girls before doing a bit of outlet mall shopping in Castle Rock. If we had a dollar for every person that came up to them to give them a few pets, we would've been able to pay for all the items we purchased at the mall! They sure were well behaved today!